Thursday, 24 October 2019

My Super Power

In the last couple of weeks Shoshy has been coming in and working with us around thinking about who we are, what we like and what we might like to do in the future. The first time she came she had a bowl of m&ms we got to get 2 and tell her something about us and something we like. The second time she came in we said something were good at. Then we went over super powers and what super powers are. Once we had thought of one of our super power we had to make a drawing like I did where we said what we were good at and then thought of all of the skills we needed and were learning when doing that activity. I did fishing because the day before we did this I went fishing all day. The fish in the background is a trout.

Friday, 18 October 2019

Rugby World Cup Tabloid Sports

This week on Monday after lunch the whole school gathered on the court for the Rugby World Cup  tabloid sports. We were all in mixed age group teams to represent one of the countries in the Rugby World Cup. Once we all got into our groups we went on to doing all of these activities for an example we played touch. We played lots of other games too but my favourite was touch even though my legs were real sore.  The winning team got a trophy.
Image result for rugby world cup

Earthquake / Tsunami Drill

This week on Thursday our school did an earthquake drill. We all went under tables and then we had to evacuate.  To evacuate we walked safely out of the school grounds to the nearest hill for a tsunami drill. This was only a 10 minute drill and it was very pushy as we have a lot of students at our school.We practised this because we live on the West Coast which is on the alpine fault which is prone to earthquakes. We need to know what to do in case of an emergency.

Do you have a plan?

Friday, 27 September 2019

Highlights for term 3

My highlights for this term were:
Going in the garden instead of PrEP. This was my highlight because I don't really like making stuff for PrEP and I like gardening so this was a good mix for me.
My second highlight was math: This term I have got better at my basic facts. At the start of the term I was getting about 40 in five minutes and now at the end of the term I'm scoring about 80 in five minutes.  

My next term goal is to improve my spelling by taking my time when I write words and checking it looks right.

Friday, 20 September 2019

School Garden

During the last two weeks for PrEP after morning tea, me and Cruz have been going to the garden. We have worked hard and are pleased with the progress we have made. Here is three photos showing some of our work. We started to weed the gardens, then we dug them over, then we raked them and now they are ready to plant stuff in. We have planted some potatoes already.  Next will be peas, lettuces, courgettes and carrots.

Friday, 23 August 2019


This week in math we got a choice of what we wanted to do.  We were finishing off our geometry unit with it a mathematical art week. I chose to do tessellation.
First we had to investigate our chosen topic and create a DLO about it.  Here is mine:

Then we got to create our art. I made a tile using google drawings and printed it out.  Then I glued it onto card and cut it out to make my stencil. Finally I very carefully traced it to make my tessellation and coloured it with pastel.  Here is my finished art.


I really enjoyed this week's maths as it was something different and we got to choose our own topic.

Friday, 16 August 2019

Transformation Puzzle

This week in numeracy we have been working on transformation.  This is where you reflect the shape over the X  or Y axis or rotate the shape or translate the shape by sliding it up, down, left or right. We had to make a puzzle about this for other people to solve.  Comment below if you know how I have transformed my triangle. I liked learning about transformation as it was more hands on.

Friday, 9 August 2019

Triangles DLO

This week in math we have been working on what makes and acute and an obtuse angled triangle.  We also looked at the different types of triangle there are. I have made a DLO to show my learning on what the triangles are and  what acute and obtuse mean.  I found this learning easy once I found out the definitions.  

Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Pest Invasion: Deer

This week in reading we read a book about wild deer. We have made a continuum to do with deer and if they are a pest or not. The conservationists want all the deer gone. We researched four groups of people and put them on the continuum to show their opinion. The hunters strongly disagree that they want them gone.I strongly disagree too!  

Do you want them gone? This week we have also made a google form about this to see how many people think that deer are pest. Please fill in my form.

Friday, 26 July 2019

Duck Hunting Speech

This week I had to do my speech to the class. We got to choose any topic we liked.  I did it on duck hunting. I chose this topic because I go a lot and I know a lot about it. Here is my presentation. 

Six thinking hats - Pests

This week in writing we have been working on animals to debate if they were pests and my group was deer. There was 6 slides we had to put detailed answers in each slides.  At the end we had to decide if we wanted the animal gone or not.

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Who is that Animal Pest?

This week in reading we have been working on pests. In this activity we had to find out what the pest was by the footprints and their poo. When we found out we had to put 2 or 3 facts about the animal and a photo.This was a quick and fun activity.

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Spanish speaking world map

Last week our teacher set us a task in Spanish we had to choose 10 places in the world that speak Spanish and then we marked them on a google map and then we had to put a fact about or two on it and we also put a photo in. 

Wednesday, 3 July 2019


Hello and welcome to my blog. Here is one of my reading tasks.

This term we have been reading a book called Wishtree.  We have now finished the book so this week we had to choose a task to do about it.  I chose to do this task. I made a different cover for the Wish tree book but not the one what's used on the book.  Here is my book cover design and also a summary of what the book was about.

I really enjoyed reading this book as it made us think hard about including others and being kind.  You should read it!

Friday, 28 June 2019

Legend of Poutini Map

This week in reading we have been working on this map for the Legend of Poutini. We put points that showed where he stopped on his way while fleeing with Waitaiki around Aotearoa/New Zealand. We put photos and a sentence about what happened at that place in each point. When you click on it you can see.  I enjoyed doing this activity because making maps is something different.

Thursday, 20 June 2019


Hello, this week in maths we have been learning how to make graphs from a google spreadsheet.

This graph shows what I have blogged about this year. It shows that I have blogged most about literacy and I have not blogged at all about maths.

My second graph is about the tools I use to create my work. It shows that I do lots of writing with photos and none with videos.  This means I now need to get more creative with my blog posts.